Mon - Fri: 8:30am - 6:30pm | Sat: 8:30am - 12:30pm
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'Gertrude' the Speckled Sussex chicken, who unfortunately had an accident...
Sooty, the 6-year-old Goldfish, was recently presented in practice with a...
'Marshmallow' the Rabbit!! Marshmallow presented to the practice recently...
Walter, the 3yo, Domestic Shorthaired, presented in practice after sustaining...
'Xen' the 7-year-old Springer Spaniel. Xen presented in practice after having...
'Ginny', the 3-month-old Boxer puppy. Ginny visited the practice after her...
Kyla, the lovely 1-year-old German Shepherd, came to the veterinary practice...
Robin came to see Caroline at the practice as she was passing blood from her...
Stitch the 6yo French Bulldog presented in practice after vomiting and not...
We would love to introduce you to Buster, the 4year-old springer spaniel....
Meet Rosie, the 18month old Border Terrier, owned by Ellie one of our student...
Purrrgussen is a 10 year old Norwegian Forest who came into practice...
Elsie the tortoise owned by vet Caroline was brought into practice after...