Mon - Fri: 8:30am - 6:30pm  | Sat: 8:30am - 12:30pm

Sooty - Fish

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Sooty - Fish

Sooty, the 6-year-old Goldfish, was recently presented in practice with a large lump on his left side. This was affecting his ability to swim, dive to the bottom of the tank and maintain buoyancy. Sooty's owner had presumed that the only option was for him to be euthanised, as the lump was affecting him so much. 

Fortunately, Caroline one of our vets, has experience with fish, so there was a much happier outcome for Sooty.

In order to remove the lump, Sooty was to be anaesthetised, this was done using a specific aquatic in water anaesthetic drug. Under the anaesthetic, the lump was removed. Sooty was also given pain relief and the area was covered with mouth ulcer cream to aid in healing. This was to be applied by Sooty's owner at home for a few days following the surgery.
We are pleased to report that Sooty has made a full recovery and is enjoying life! Once again, he is showing off his best fish moves to his companion Sweep.