Mon - Fri: 8:30am - 6:30pm | Sat: 8:30am - 12:30pm
'Gertrude' the Speckled Sussex chicken, who unfortunately had an accident during a winter storm and ended up with a broken leg.
She was brought into practice and examined by vet Caroline. A plan was established to fix the broken bones and return her back to the flock when she was ready.
Gertrude was anaesthetised to enable Caroline to take x-rays of the leg, confirming the type and position of the fracture. When anaesthetising avian species, a lot of the anaesthesia principles are like that of more commonly anaesthetised pets such as dogs and cats. Gertrude was maintained under anaesthesia using the same aesthetic gases as all our other species. She had an endotracheal tube placed in her trachea so she could continue to breathe the gas and remain asleep. An intravenous catheter was placed in her wing vein so that we could administer fluids during the procedure. She was kept warm on a heat mat and under some bubble wrap to help her maintain her temperature. She was monitored throughout the anaesthetic by our skilled veterinary nurses.
A splint was placed on the broken leg to stabilise the bones and allow healing to take place.
Gertrude was started on pain relief and antibiotics as she also sustained a wound during the accident. Her owner settled her in the kitchen for cage rest and to help keep the dressing clean and dry, also making sure, that she had easy access to food and water whilst she wasn't so mobile. She seemed to enjoy life in a warm house while her companions embraced the snow!
Gertrude was anaesthetised weekly for the next 2 weeks to remove the splint and re-xray the fracture to monitor the healing. After 3 weeks there was sufficient healing and stability in the fracture, so the splint was removed. Gertrude had another week of house rest before being let loose with the others. Judging by the photos Gertrude's owner has sent us, she was enjoying bossing about the other pets! Gertrude is now back outside with her chicken companions enjoying her free-range lifestyle once again.