Mon - Fri: 8:30am - 6:30pm  | Sat: 8:30am - 12:30pm


Pet passports & free travel clinics

Pet passports & free travel clinics


Our vets can issue Pets Passports for when you are planning on taking your pets abroad with you on holiday. When you come in for your consultation we will let you know about the latest changes in the Pet Travel Scheme. You can even request a reminder for when your pets’ rabies boosters are due.


Request A Pet Passport Consultation


Our nursing team run free Travel Clinics where you can come and talk about the best ways to protect your pets from diseases they may be exposed to on holidays. We will also prepare a bespoke parasite prevention programme to make sure the whole family comes home refreshed and healthy.


If you are planning a foreign holiday with your pet you must Microchip them if they are not already chipped.

Kyla, the lovely 1-year-old German Shepherd, came to the veterinary practice after showing some...

Robin came to see Caroline at the practice as she was passing blood from her back end. She had...

Stitch the 6yo French Bulldog presented in practice after vomiting and not eating for a few days....